Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Daughters Of Twilight-Collette Jackson Fink

Daughters Of Twilight Collette Jackson Fink Outskirts Press, Oct 23 2013, $14.95 www.outskirtspress.com ISBN: 9781432799458 The earthquake measuring six on the Rector Scale struck Waterloo, Iowa leaves behind a gigantic black tower. The military, the Feds and Biochem personnel take control of the perimeter surrounding the pyramid. Knowing the females inside are hostile after thirty-nine Biochem employees entered and went missing, three coordinated military and special agent teams breach the edifice at the same time using the different openings. The women inside confront and overwhelm Team B led by Agent Dane Coles. When the females snatch his best friend Augie, Dane pursues and catches up to one of the hostiles. She easily defeats him using his knife to rip through his hand, takes a bite on his wound and declares him pure of heart before she vanishes. Asia visits Dane several times after easily kicking his butt asking him for help in rescuing her little sisters and explaining who her and her angel species are; as they were in the Garden of Eden during the fall from grace. As he begins to fall in love with his angel, she knows he is her eternal one. However, the military led by Captain Williams and Biochem led by Raymond Zen demand a capture by their subordinates with Dane’s Asia the chosen one. Daughters Of Twilight is an exciting refreshing angel thriller that connects Genesis with modern day Iowa. Though the climax feels somewhat stretched, the fast-paced storyline will make believers out of readers as the good (Dane and Team A leader Steel), the bad (Biochem and military experimenters) and the ugly (twisted Zen, Team C leader Thorn and Williams) collide over the fate of left behind angels. Harriet Klausner

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